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We are an international network of anthropological research on family and kinship. The network was officially constituted in 2022, with the support of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (n.26/2021 n.40 /2022 – Line 3B – Network Projects – Public policies for human and social development).
Initially focused on the development of the project “Manufacturing of kinship and government technologies in late adoptions: a comparative study of Brazil, France and Spain”, the network's scope of action was expanded within the scope of the Pro-Humanities program. In addition to focusing on adoption (domestic, international and “difficult-to-place”), the researchers who make up ANTHERA develop research related to reproductive governance and the various arrangements of contemporary parenting. Their analyses deal with, among other subjects: plural forms of family, relationships of interdependence and care, the voluntary relinquishment of children for adoption, matching strategies in adoption procedures, the forced removal of children from mothers in poverty, social movements of mothers seeking custody of their children, the appropriation of children, tensions associated with multiple filiation, search for origins, recomposed families after divorce and reproductive technologies.
Team members
The ANTHERA network brings together institutions and researchers from Brazil, France, Spain, Argentina and Chile that are references in family and kinship studies. The research carried out by the network aims at contributing to the development of the theoretical framework of the area and subareas, providing subsidies for the construction of diagnoses and guidelines in the formulation of public policies.
Doing research with the finest partner institutions