Studies on domestic, international, late and special needs placements and search strategies in adoption procedures.
Research Articles
Single-parent adoptions of children with “special needs”: Between deficit and empowerment.
By Irene Agoglia e Maria Isabel Jociles
“Their biological family can and should be present in their lives”: structural openness in single-parent families who had adopted transnationally.
By Maria Isabel Jociles
Rethinking international adoption from a children-focused perspective: the case of Spain-Ethiopia.
By Aranzazu Molinero
Unilateral adoption: parental function and affectivity in question.
By Alessandra Rinaldi
New forms of Family and the multiple meanings of adoption.
By Alessandra Rinaldi
Adoption: policies for children and youth in Brazil?
By Alessandra Rinaldi
(Re)discovering child adoption in Brazil thirty years after the Children’s Code.
By Cláudia Fonseca
Conceiving Parents, Consolidating the State: Emphasis and Erasurein the Governance of Marginal Parenthoods in Brazil.
By Cláudia Fonseca
Cultivating feral proliferations: anthropological considerations on child protection policies.
By Cláudia Fonseca