Studies on the intersection between Science, Family, and kinship, parting from the idea that all politics are reproductive politics.
Research Articles
Social representations of gamete providers in Spain: the invisible and undervalued work behind egg “donation”.
By Maria Isabel Jociles, Ana María Rivas, Ariadna Ayala Rubio
“I guess if I had had pasta, I wouldn't have done it”: motivations for egg donation and ideologies of altruism.
By Maria Isabel Jociles e Fernando Lores
Genetics and procreative will, what is the origin of children conceived through reproductive donation?
By Maria Isabel Jociles e Fernando Lores
Ligneage and nation :Civil status, nationality and surrogate maternity.
By Jérome Courduriès
What comes out of surrogacy
By Jérome Courduriès
About mothers and donors: Identity and sense of belonging in the light of maternity experiences, rights to filiation and access to assisted reproductive technologies in a homoparental family association in Quebec.
By Débora Allebrandt
Negotiating the destiny of human embryons produced through assisted reproduction:cryopreservation, discards, donations and their agencies in a Porto Alegre clinic.
By Débora Allebrandt
“Who do I look like?”: Kinning and resemblance in the experience of French donor conceived adults.
By Anaïs Martin
Inequality and the politics of science
Org. Débora Allebrandt, Nádia Meinerz e Pedro Nascimento
Geni’s experiences of motherhood: the story of a transsexual woman and her various relations with Youth Court.
By Alessandra Rinaldi, Ricardo Coitinho Filho, Juliana B. de Souza, Camila C. D. de Souza
Biotechnologies, corporal and subjective transformations: Knowledge forms, practices, and inequalities.
Org. Fabíola Rohden, Chiara Pussetti e Alejandra Roca
Moral economies of childhood care. Foster care policy and biological families.
By Valeria LlobetI e Carla VillaltaI
Kinship through donation. A relational approach on the experience of people conceived through sperm donation. (France, England).
By Agnès Martial
At the nation's doorstep: the fate of children in France born via surrogacy
Por Jérome Courduriès